You have choices!

It is so important to find the right adoption professionals to help you through the process of giving up your baby for adoption.


Choice is what we are all about

If you are pregnant and wondering about placing you baby up for adoption, My Choice Adoptions is here to help you through the process and answer all your questions.

Because each pregnancy is different and because each birth mother is different, we want you to know that the choice is yours – not ours. We do not dictate anything to you. We are just here to listen and present the options available to you.

Placing a child up for adoption may seem very complicated. It is not – especially when you have a trusted Tallahassee adoption attorney in your corner. When you understand your options, placing your child up for adoption suddenly is not quite so scary.

meet Waiting adoptive families

We ask our families to put together a family profile book with photos and information about their family. We make those available for expectant parents to look through. Perhaps you want to "meet" them on Skype or FaceTime—you can also call or text them. Sometimes an expectant parent can choose to invite the adoptive parents to a doctor's appointment or even a sonogram. It's your choice and it's up to you.