Benefits of Working with My Choice Adoptions
· We can provide financial assistance to pay your bills.
· We can provide daily emotional support from your own birth mother advocate.
· We can discuss all of your options – whether you choose adoption or not.
· We can help you find and connect with the adoptive family that fits what you want for your child’s future.
· Help you find a doctor that understands adoption.
· We can respect your choices - no judgment here.
Send Us a Message
24/7 adoption support for expecting parents.
Our team is friendly, non-judgmental, and here to help.
We Can Help Every Step of the Way
Let’s Do This Together!
Are you facing an unplanned or accidental pregnancy? Perhaps you are pregnant and have no idea what to do or what your options are, as a birth mother in Gainesville?
Naturally, you are worried about what options are available. Feeling intimidated or overwhelmed by the whole process is normal, but please understand that you do not have to face these things alone.
If you are considering adoption in Gainesville, there is a way forward for you.
It is never an easy time dealing with a pregnancy that you weren’t planning on. Suddenly you are faced with a new set of circumstances, and you don’t know what to do.
Watch the video below to hear a Birth Mother’s experience
You have choices!
It is so important to find the right adoption professionals to help you through the process of giving up your baby for adoption.
Choice is what we are all about
If you are pregnant and wondering about placing you baby up for adoption, My Choice Adoptions is here to help you through the process and answer all your questions.
Because each pregnancy is different and because each birth mother is different, we want you to know that the choice is yours – not ours. We do not dictate anything to you. We are just here to listen and present the options available to you.
Placing a child up for adoption may seem very complicated. It is not – especially when you have a trusted Gainesville adoption attorney in your corner. When you understand your options, placing your child up for adoption suddenly is not quite so scary.
meet Waiting adoptive families
We ask our families to put together a family profile book with photos and information about their family. We make those available for expectant parents to look through. Perhaps you want to "meet" them on Skype or FaceTime—you can also call or text them. Sometimes an expectant parent can choose to invite the adoptive parents to a doctor's appointment or even a sonogram. It's your choice and it's up to you.

Pregnant in Florida? Call or text for 24/7 adoption support.
Benefits of Working With
My Choice Adoptions Placing a Baby Up for Adoption in Gainesville
Did you know you can receive free adoption support in Gainesville and the surrounding areas? We can help you find suitable adoptive parents for your baby. We understand how unique your needs may be; how you may be seeking the kind of family you know would be perfect for your baby.
There are many very valid reasons to consider adoption for your baby, such as:
Single motherhood is very difficult.
Financial resources are lacking.
Your baby deserves a stable home.
You may be in an abusive relationship.
Your future plans are important and did not include an unplanned pregnancy.
You may be fighting addiction problems.
Religious beliefs may prohibit pregnancy outside of marriage.
The baby may have special needs.
You may be struggling with health problems.
There may be other reasons, too, for considering placing your baby up for adoption. They are all good, rational reasons, and you should never be shamed into thinking less of yourself or of your unborn child.
The primary reason a birth mother considers an adoption plan in Gainesville is to offer the baby a better life than the one she is living right now. That can only be a good and admirable thing.
Yes, as a Birth Mother You Have Options
So why consider adoption choices in Gainesville?
When you call our office, we listen to all you have to say, and we never, ever judge you – we make that clear right from the start. The role of our team is to offer you the many options regarding adoption.
There are many paths to take when looking for parents to adopt your baby. There is no right or wrong way, there is simply your way. Some of the options available to Birth Mothers in Gainesville are:
Financial assistance to help pay your bills.
Daily emotional support from your own birth mother advocate.
Whether you choose adoption or not, we can discuss all of your options.
We help you find and connect with the adoptive family which best suits your needs.
We put you in touch with a doctor who understands adoption from the birth mother’s point of view.
It is very important to choose where you want your baby to go. Placing your baby up for adoption is not easy. Therefore, some birth mothers choose not to be as involved in the adoption process as others are, and that’s perfectly fine. A choice is the key thing that we offer birth mothers in Gainesville when you contact us.
There are different types of adoption to consider
You might not know what feels right for you right now, so we’re happy to help you understand what these different relationships are.
Open Adoption
Open Adoption at a minimum means you openly exchange contact information with adoptive parents. Often open adoption means you might email, text or call adoptive parents and stay in touch as your baby grows up. Some people enjoy visits, while others worry that’s too much openness. Don’t worry, we’ll help you think about what feels right for you—it’s your choice.
Semi-Open Adoption
Most adoptions these days fall into this general category. Your baby’s family will share photos and updates with you, and while you might not see each other face-to face, you will always know your baby is being loved and is happy! Semi-open adoptions sometimes become open adoptions over time, while others become less open as people become busy with their lives. We’ll always support you in your choice.
Closed Adoption
Birthparents sometimes are in a difficult circumstance and it feels easier to have a closed adoption so you can put this difficult time behind you. We’ll help you understand what this choice means for you, and find adoptive parents who support you in your choice.
Birth Mothers should never be afraid to ask for help!
Life doesn’t always go as planned!
If you feel you are heading for a crisis, can’t pay your bills, need substances rehab, or a safe place to live, let us help point you in the right direction.
We can offer the adoption support you need – everything from help with rent, food, bills, transportation, counseling, medical care, family selection, and so much more.

Birth parents trust us
Explore your options.
We have many families waiting for their special baby – your baby. If you so choose, you can meet with them, on the phone, in person, via Skype, FaceTime, or Google Hangouts.
You are giving birth to a new, precious life! Our promise is to honor that and respect the choices you make when it comes time to place your child up for adoption. Don’t go it alone. We are here for you and only a phone call away.
My Choice Adoptions offers you the best and most understanding pregnancy and adoption help in the Gainesville area.
Located in Tallahassee, but serving all of Florida
A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization